ATW - Time with Joaquin Andujo

Season #2

Summary In this conversation, Joaquin Andujo shares his journey of finding identity in Jesus and the importance of experiencing God's presence. He emphasizes the value of family and community, highlighting the need to build authentic relationships. Joaquin also discusses his frustrations and the search for solutions in the current religious landscape. He emphasizes the need for both revival and reformation and encourages listeners to find their place to be rather than just belong. The conversation concludes with a reminder to embrace one's true identity and purpose in furthering the kingdom of God. The conversation explores the themes of being true to oneself, finding authenticity, the process of deconstruction, Jesus as a model of deconstruction, promoting the School of Ministry, and closing remarks. Takeaways -Give yourself permission to be who you are in this world. -Don't shortchange yourself to fit in with any group or gathering. -Deconstruction can be a positive process if it leads to rebuilding and growth. -Jesus deconstructed the old religious system to build something better.