ATW - Chat with Bill Hobbs

Season #2


Bill Hobbs shares his journey of unlearning the teachings of the Episcopal and Lutheran Church and discovering the truth about God's love and acceptance. He emphasizes that God is not like Santa Claus, constantly judging and punishing, but rather a loving and joyful presence. Bill also highlights the importance of unlearning self-judgment and treating oneself with love and acceptance. He discusses the transformation he experienced through meeting with a pastor and reading scripture, and the impact of being in a community that focuses on love and acceptance. During the conversation, Bill discusses his experience with prophetic ministry and his time at Surge, a school focused on prophetic and inner healing. He shares how he was encouraged to embrace his imagination as a way for God to speak to him. Bill also talks about the importance of community and how Surge provided a space for people to share and receive prophetic words. He emphasizes the need for churches to love and accept people for who they are and highlights the transformative power of understanding God's character and nature. In this conversation, Bill Hobbs shares his perspective on living with Jesus and the importance of living in the present moment. He emphasizes that God loves and accepts us exactly as we are, regardless of our mistakes. Bill also highlights the power of our thoughts in creating our lives and the impact of knowing the truth about God's love. He shares personal experiences of how his life has improved as he has embraced these beliefs.


>Bill Hobbs unlearned the teachings of the Episcopal and Lutheran Church that portrayed God as constantly judging and punishing.

>He discovered the truth that God is a loving and joyful presence who accepts and loves him unconditionally.

>Bill emphasizes the importance of unlearning self-judgment and treating oneself with love and acceptance.

>He experienced transformation through meeting with a pastor and reading scripture, and being in a community that focuses on love and acceptance. Prophetic ministry and inner healing can play a significant role in one's spiritual journey.

>Embracing imagination can be a way for God to communicate with individuals.

>Community and sharing prophetic words are essential for spiritual growth.

>Churches should prioritize love and acceptance of individuals.

>Understanding God's character and nature can lead to a transformative experience. God loves and accepts us exactly as we are, regardless of our mistakes.

>Living in the present moment and being willing to change are key to a fulfilling life with Jesus.

>Negative thoughts are not our inheritance and should be rejected.

>Our thoughts have the power to create our lives.

>Knowing the truth about God's love and embracing it can lead to a better life and the ability to impact others.


00:00 Introduction and Background
01:32 Negative Religious Teachings
05:39 Understanding God's Joy
06:34 Personal Transformation and Joy
08:46 The Burden of Labels
10:12 The Church's Judgment and Condemnation
11:50 The Revelation of God's Love
13:09 The Importance of Personal Encounters
13:51 Overcoming Negative Thoughts
15:16 The Journey of Healing and Transformation
21:04 The Impact of Joy and Freedom
23:12 The Importance of Personal Journey
24:40 The Power of Gratitude and Anointing
27:06 Permission to Be Yourself
27:36 The Importance of Community and Prophetic Ministry
28:28 Impact of Learning the Prophetic
28:57 Encountering the Prophetic
30:31 Stepping Out in Faith
33:01 The Power of Community
36:05 Knowing God Personally
40:00 Living in the Present Moment
44:31 God's Unconditional Love
46:29 Misconceptions About God
48:01 God's Pleasure in You
49:24 The Power of Thoughts
51:40 Living with a Kingdom Heart
54:00 AfterTheWell-NewOtro.mp4